Resep Karipap frozen Anti Gagal
Are you looking for inspiration How to make frozen curry, very tasty, and unique?, Easy steps to handle frozen curry, perfect, now many of our users are looking for you, maybe you are one of them. people who are used to using internet smartphones to view image information as examples. Well, this time I will share the Kara tutorial and Kara Easy to prepare Delicious Frozen Karipap to make, it's not difficult and it's not too bad. If you process it wrong, the results will be unsatisfactory and even unpleasant. In fact, delicious frozen Karipap should have a flavor and taste that can tantalize our taste buds.
Many things affect the taste quality of frozen Karipap, moulay from Janice Ingredients, then the choice of fresh ingredients, until the chara processes it and serves it. No need to worry if you want to prepare delicious frozen Karipap wherever you are, because as long as you know the trick, this dish can be a special treat. Following are the serene photos of Frozen Karipap for you to find inspiration.
Below are some simple and practical characters that can be applied to process frozen curry paste that is ready to be created. You can freeze Karipap with 15 ingredients and 6 steps to prepare. Here are the steps to make the dish.
Among those who always get a warm welcome ... Even children are bitch every day ... For this recipe .... usually 1 kg of potatoes for 1 kg of flour ... the amount of the results according to the chosen size
Baca Juga
Ingredients and spices required to prepare frozen Karipap:
- 1 kg of potatoes
- 1 kiss onion seed (diced)
- 3 cloves of garlic (zinkang)
- 1 tsp mixture of cumin and cumin
- 2 tsp chicken/fish curry spices
- 1/2 Kavan Gorge
- Salt to taste and flavoring powder if desired
- Dinner
- duh
- 1 kg gunduma flour
- 1 tsp rice flour
- 1 ch throat
- 1 tsp Salt
- air after air
- 1 x Cavan Oil Mask
Let Karipap's face freeze
- Saute onions, and cumin for a moment... add curry powder and water.. bring to a boil.. add potato cubes and add more air to separate the potatoes... Add sugar, salt and cook until the water dries up .. you can add the soup leaves. .. Can add drama chicken and meat
- Combine the ingredients for the dough.. Add the oil.. then mix well.. add water bit by bit... The dough is not too soft.. and it's hard... leave it for 1/2 hour in a closed state..
- After 1/2 hour.. the dough will be harmonious and soft... Take the dough the size of a table tennis fruit.. spread it..
- preference at top..then fill in the core... Wipe around with aims so it doesn't open later during grilling... Express the desire..
- Make it to completion..In hot simple oil..fry karipap immediately...The skin is a bit hard..can be removed, with high fives and cooled down...
- After it cools can keep it frozen...
Thanks for reading the recipe that our team showcased. We hope that the processed frozen curry paste from above can help you prepare delicious dishes for your family / friends or be an inspiration to sell food. Hopefully useful and good luck!